The Rapid Fire Book Tag



A big thank you to the lovely Donna @ Chocolatenwaffles’ Blog for tagging me (back in October already). I’ve finally made myself tackle this one. Now if you’ll excuse me I think I’m going to lie down ;-).


eBooks or physical books?

Physical books are still golden in my eyes, especially in these days of digitalisation, but going somewhere without my e-reader is also unthinkable.

Paperback or hardback?


Online or in-store book shopping?

In-store book shopping is the best. I like pawing over all these books and spending lots of time looking at covers and reading blurbs. It doesn’t happen often either so that makes it extra special.

Trilogies or series?

A series please, one that goes on and on forever with my favorite characters so they almost seem part of the family :-).

Heroes or villains?

I like both. Maybe heroes a bit more, the one that saves the day and catches the killer.. yes! Or the boy who saves the girl and she falls in love with him of course.

A book you want everyone to read?

That’s like asking to pick your favorite child. OK then if I must: I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

Recommend an underrated book

I have no inspiration whatsoever and started googling. If you want inspiration, here are some Buzzfeed recommendations: 27 Seriously Underrated Books Every Book Lover Should Read

The last book you finished?

Love Me Tinder. I don’t know anything about tinder so I was very curious to read about someone’s – hopefully funny – experiences. Mission accomplished! Review on Sunday.

Weirdest thing you used as a bookmark?

I’m quite a boring reader.. I usually use a receipt, birthday card or a postcard I got or something. OK once I cut the two strings or whatever you call them from a new t-shirt I purchased like the ones you see in the picture around the hanger (you can’t hang them all you know) and used that as a bookmark. Weird enough?


Used books, yes or no?

Yes, it’s all good!

Top three favorite genre?

Psychological thrillers, police procedurals and young adult.

Borrow or buy?

Both but my library doesn’t have the books I want to read so buy it is.

Characters or plot?

You can’t really have one without the other. I read a story with a good plot but without any person input from the characters and I really didn’t like it, so I’m going with characters this time. A story might still hold up enough if the characters are complex and well developed.

Long or short book?

Short book. I don’t like 500 page books. Give me 250 pages and I’m super happy. A story isn’t better because there are more pages in the book. When I was young I made that mistake too often, I always chose thick, heavy novels, only to come to the conclusion that it was 100 pages too long really.

Long or short chapters?

Short chapters.

Name the first three books you think of.

  • Sometimes I Lie. I see it everywhere, everyone seems to have read it already and I really want to read it too
  • Those Who Lie: I entered a giveaway for this one and I just wondered when it’ll be closed.
  • Just What Kind of Mother Are You by Paula Daly. I saw it on Nicki’s blog today and it reminded me that I have this one (for 2 years or so) on my ereader but I haven’t read it yet.

Books that make you laugh or cry?

Books that make me cry, definitely, although I’m not the type to cry.

Our world of fictional worlds?

Our world of course. I’m too down to earth to believe in anything else.

Audiobooks: yes or no?

No. I don’t have the patience to just listen. I’ve only tried once and before I knew it I was doing all sorts of things while listening (painting my nails, weeding,..) and I wasn’t really listening all that attentively anymore.

Do you ever judge a book by its cover?

All the time. If I don’t like a cover, I probably won’t buy it. I really didn’t know I was so superficial until now but it’s just true.

Book to movie or book to TV adaptation?

Book to movie.

A movie or TV adaptation you preferred to the book?

I haven’t seen many adaptations (usually I only saw the movie or only read the book). No I really don’t know right now. If you have any suggestions, be my guest to share.

Series or standalone?

Standalone. It’s just easier to mix and match.

Nailed it


Don’t feel obliged at all to do this tag but just to name a few bloggers I’d love to hear the answers from:

31 thoughts on “The Rapid Fire Book Tag

  1. I Hunt Killers has been on my TBR list for a while so I’m glad to see you liked it, perhaps I’ll have to move it up the list (;
    Also, thanks for tagging me! This looks fun so I can’t wait to do it 🙂


    • I’m already happy you’ve got IHK on your TBR list to start with, and I do hope you’ll read it this year. If we’re into the same books you’ll probably really like it too. Great to hear you want to do this tag, already looking forward to reading your answers and your recommendation!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay, another crier:) We have a lot of similar answers Inge! Thanks for tagging me, I did this one about 3 weeks ago, I tried to include a link here but it’s not working…you can find mine in my categories under tags:) I absolutely can’t go anywhere either without my kindle…it’s the greatest invention for booklovers ever!! I just told my husband when we were on vacation that it makes me so happy to carry all of my almost 400 books and samples with me😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just saw and you’re right we have very similar answers. The only thing really different is that you like long books and I prefer short ones. Vacation is heaven when you can take your kindle, not having to ‘worry’ anymore if you’ve got enough books with you ;-). Only checking plenty times that you still got your charger with you because ‘you never know you’ll need it’ :-).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are very welcome, lady 😀 I still have Christmas tags to do xD But the mood is gone so…
    Paperback love!!!! Hardbacks have tried to kill my nose more than once when I was reading lying on the couch! I also prefer short books, I tend to get lazy when I see a big block of pages waiting for me!!


  4. Great answers. I get what you mean about series. I have two series that have made me feel that way. One is DCI Erika by Robert Bryndza and the other one is Victoria Del A Os Tell me series. Your bookmark choice was very creative. Lol.


  5. Pingback: The Rapid Fire Book Tag | pooled ink

  6. Great answers, Inge! I think we have similar tastes hahaha Except maybe on the genre department… Hmm.
    Very helpful article, by the way! I might draw inspiration from it if I ever run out of books to read (or just don’t like the current ones on my TBR).
    Loved the tag 🙂


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