Goodreads Monday (23-07-2018)

goodreads monday

I saw this meme on Books, Vertigo and Tea and I thought this one seemed fun to join and feature on my blog from time to time as well! The original post of Goodreads Monday was posted by Lauren’s Page Turners. Thank you Lauren for this great idea. This really is a great way to help me take another look at all the books added to the wishlist so long ago and at the same time I can share some interesting titles.

There’s only one rule: Simply choose a random book from your TBR and show it off. Don’t forget to link back to Lauren’s Page turners and add your own links!


By A Thread

By A Thread by R.L. Griffin

Added on April 23, 2013. It has a 3.95 rating on Goodreads. Keep or Go? Dilemma!

I don’t particulary like the cover but the blurb sounds promising, I do love such an emotional read!

Stella’s future was set, and it was a bright one. She was engaged to a man she adored, and was headed to law school in the fall. Tragically, her perfectly planned future ends just as it was beginning.

With no ties to family or friends, Stella finds herself alone in a new city, spiraling out of control. Her typical day comes to a close with her passed out on the floor; sometimes clothed.

Luckily, her new roommate, essentially a stranger, is dead set on getting Stella past her grief and back to functioning within society. Putting one foot in front of the other, she climbs up from the bottom of a bottle. Even with all her progress, Stella walks through life unfeeling, numb. Defiant, she sends out warning signals for the world to keep away. But, is that what she really wants?

With the steadfast help of a few tight knit friends, she gradually begins to feel again. She starts to savor the flavor of food again; lets herself notice how the handsome bartender glances at her. Still, after allowing herself a fling, she wonders if she will ever be able to let go of her shattered past, fully enjoy the present, or get over what she thought would be her perfect future and with the man who destroyed her heart.

So what do you think, yay or nay? Have you read it or is it on your readlist too?

17 thoughts on “Goodreads Monday (23-07-2018)

  1. This could go either way for me… 🙂 I certainly hope that the character won’t be ‘saved’ via a romantic relationship because that always annoys me… sorry!!! 😀 I just get irked when an author decides that we should all be happy once we found ‘the one’..

    But… I know nothing about this book so won’t judge it. I enjoy character driven stories and the premise sounds interesting. 🙂

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    • I have no idea, maybe he does help her heal but I think at least this one will go a bit deeper and is more emotional than the average romance novel. We’ll see when I get to it :-). I understand how you feel though, I’m not a big fan of instalove or quick solutions either :-). Thank you!

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  2. Pingback: Goodreads Monday – Alexandra Wolfe

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