Sunshine in February #BookTag


Hi everyone! What do you think of my calendar (it hangs up at work)? I so love those eyes, I want to keep February forever :-).

I don’t even know how long it’s been since I did a tag and it definitely isn’t because I don’t have any. I think I have a list of 30 (that I kept) but I always procrastinate because the questions are always so difficult to answer and it takes so much time to think. But I was recently tagged by the lovely Norrie @Reading under the Blankie and I think I can answer these so hey-ho let’s go!

Here are Norrie’s questions:


#1 Do you believe in ghosts?

No sorry, absolutely not, I don’t believe in anything I can’t see. I know not everything can be explained and I would feel differently if I experienced something unexplainable myself but hearing it from other people isn’t enough for me. Now that I think of it, I don’t even like reading about ghosts in books, I always find that such an easy way out of it.

#2 Have you ever sneaked out of the house to go to a party in your wild teen years?

What wild teen years? I didn’t even have those! I wasn’t allowed to go out before I turned 18 (I know, but let’s just say it was a different era.. I don’t think that could still happen nowadays without being considered very very anti-social). I also lived outside of the city so there was literally nowhere to go (or sneak off to) or anything to do. I didn’t mind at the time though, I was an introvert after all and I was happy with my books for company :-).

#3 What’s your take on flowery food? (Lavender biscuits, wild flowers in salads, and so on). Yey or nay?

Eh no it’s not really my thing. I like flowers and I love the colours but eating them? I had a dish like that once at a restaurant and I put the flower on the side (ok I was much younger and I didn’t know you could eat it but even if I had known, I’d probably still do the same).

#4 What’s a book that you thought was kind of trashy but you still enjoyed?

I had to really search for it but I found one. I read Seduction and Snacks (Chocolate Lovers #1) by Tara Sivec in 2015. I don’t remember much about it but I think it was pretty hilarious. The blurb says it holds enough sarcasm to choke a horse and I guess it was so over the top that even I got it :-).

#5 Imagine it’s time for a cookie. Do you dip it in milk, sip coffee with it, or munch on it in its dry glory?

Coffee and Lotus

I’m not a big dipper :-). I usually eat cookies dry to really savour all the deliciousness of the cookie, the only exception I make is dipping a gingerbread cookie in my coffee.

#6 Would you say you are a morning person?

I am definitely not a morning person but I don’t have problems getting up, I don’t need any extra time or something. I do not want to talk or listen to anyone so early in the morning though and want to be left alone for the first half an hour, ok let’s just make that an hour to be sure. Lucky for me I’m also not very social 😉 so I have my quiet time on the train and when I get to work I have my coffee first and then all is ok.

#7 Winter sports. Yey or nay?

Nay nay nay.. as if sports itself doesn’t sound horrific already, winter sports is even worse 🙂

#8 Has it ever happened that you liked a film or series adaptation of a book? If so, which book was it?

I liked Big Little Lies, the tv series with Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. I enjoyed And Then There Were None, the mini-series of Agatha Christie’s novel and I also liked the Big Friendly Giant animation movie which I only saw recently for the first time.

#9 Do you find house chores (cleaning, dish-washing, etc.) relaxing, or necessary evil?

People find house chores relaxing? After a hard day’s of work? I know a few other things that are relaxing then. They are necessary, just like cooking (nope don’t like it either but only way if you want to really eat). Before you think I’m a total lazy bum, I actually like ironing and I don’t mind doing the dishes by hand so I don’t even use the dishwasher very often (I sometimes let it air-dry though). If you don’t cook very elaborate there’s really not much dishes right ;-).

#10 Do you chill in your pjs all day when you don’t need to leave the house?

No, I don’t. I like to get dressed when I get up. I wear a jogging tracksuit for lazying about if I don’t go out. It’s different at night though, sometimes I come home from work and instead of changing into something comfortable I go for reaaaally comfortable and already put my pjs on at 18.30h :-).

#11 What was the last book that knocked your socks off?

I think it was The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides because I just didn’t see that ending coming. But as a whole book definitely Changeling by Matt Wesolowski.


OK here are my questions! I’ve done a mix (I like doing the this or that questions most myself so.. ) and can’t wait to read your answers should you accept the challenge (make it Sunshine in Marsh perhaps ;-))!

#1 Text message or call?
#2 Do you read before bed?
#3 Salt or sweet?
#4 Do you believe in love at first sight? 
#5 Do you have a special strategy to get more followers for your blog?
#6 Sandals or sneakers?
#7 Name one book you read (or bought) because of the cover
#8 Hamburgers or hot-dogs?
#9 What is the most recent book you couldn’t finish?
#10 A skirt or pants? (For the man here: short or long pants ;-))
#11 What was your favorite holiday so far and why?

I’d love to hear the answers from these lovely bloggers, but don’t feel obliged!

Malanie Loves Fiction
Mug Full of Books
The Cozy Pages
The Reading Closet
Not Another Book Blogger
Booked up girl
A Love of Books and Life
The Reader’s Corner
Zooloo’s Book Diary
Postcard Reviews
Kiera’s Bookish Thoughts


44 thoughts on “Sunshine in February #BookTag

  1. Pingback: Sunshine in February #BookTag – The Reading Closet

  2. Squee 🙂 Thanks for answering!
    Are those biscuits speculoos??? ❤ Yumm!!

    My bestie is one of those rare unicorns who finds cleaning relaxing. I used to live with her, so it was pretty cool, hehe 😀

    Love seeing Changeling mentioned! I have it, but still need to read book #2 as well.

    I must admit i was also not doing any sneaking out in my teen years 😀 I feel like i missed out on some stuff! It looks cool in movies!

    P.S. your kitty calendar is super cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No sneaking out, how far out in the country did you live, poor thing! And yeah, people only believe in ghosts if they’ve experienced something unexplainable. And PJs all-day is the only way to go on a day off, at home! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well I did go to my end of year party in the last grade of high school (it was my first party) but I had to move heaven and earth to go. I don’t have kids but I’m sure I would be stricter too than others.. which is weird because I wasn’t very grateful myself for that. It’s only now that I see they did protect me in a way.. I was shy and naive and at such an age, you never know what I could have experienced. Now I don’t mind. I didn’t miss a lot I think apart from lots of drama and possible heartbreak.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Striking eyes but PLEASE LET FEBRUARY GO! xD
    I could have written the same answer to the first question. I don’t do ghosts, it’s too easy! Never been the wild teen either! And I don’t think I missed on anything. To each their own! My parties involved books or TV shows! I hate sports too, unless it’s yoga! I wouldn’t say house chores are relaxing, they are hard work! But they do tend to appease my mind when I’m thinking too much…
    I haven’t been tagged but I’m totally keeping your questions:p

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Sunshine in February #BookTag – Macsbooks

  6. Pingback: Sunshine in March #Suntag #booktag – Chocolate'n'Waffles

  7. That was interesting! 🙂 I could almost imagine you getting home from work, getting a biscuit and eating it as you sit of the sofa with your pjs on- like, no dramas! 🙂 Cool!


  8. I enjoyed reading your answers. That one on wild teen years cracked me up, I definitely didn’t have those either. The thought of me going out of the window to party is hilarious. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award/ February Sunshine Tag – The Cozy Pages

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